Manifest? To Make shit happen!

Manifest? To Make shit happen!

For those who are wondering  what “manifest” means it is to ‘make something real or apparent’, or ‘make shit happen’.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ffirming your intentions, desires and gratitude to the universe or spirit is one of the most powerful way to manifest your intentions. into your life. Positively affirming your commitment to your path – whatever it may be – and focusing your mind upon it regularly does deliver results.

Affirmations ground and build energy. With every repetition they enhance your conscious awareness and focus of your intent and further align your will with the universe and spirit.  They can be used to enhance any and all actions, desires and goals.

The Abundance Prayer below is a powerful and very successful incantation that has been used by many over a long period of time with much success. Reports of successful change that (seemingly) resulted from this prayer or spells use include; unexpected winnings and dividends – such as $8000 coming into one woman within a week of using this spell. Other feedback includes long awaited and hoped for telephone calls and invitations coming from love interests and ex-lovers, a job promotion finally being improved, and a house finally being sold after many months on the market with no interest. You can add to the words here to suit your purposes, or if you prefer, just repeat it as it is, all the while keeping your mind firmly focused on that which you are wishing to ‘manifest’. Be it health, wealth, promotion, true love, pregnancy, success, etc, this does work and will bring results for you to as long as you put your energy and faith into it.

To bring Abundance in ‘chosen’ area

From The Light of God that I Am.

From The Love of God that I Am.

From The Power of God that I Am.

From The Heart of God that I Am.

I Decree-

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.

By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.

I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet.

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.


The greater the energy and intent we channel into our words, the more ‘real’ and powerful they become. Do swap out words such as God – for Creator, Goddess or Divine Spirit, or whatever you believe…

Blessed be.

Manifest! To make things happen in alignment with your will.


Amber |


White Light Healing

White Light Healing

White lighting is a very old method of cleansing and renewing energy. I most frequently perform this for my clients that are suffering from depression or anxiety, as it lifts the negativity from the person, leaving them feeling far better physically and emotionally. White lighting can be done anywhere, by anyone, and requires nothing but your mental focus. (I’m serious – you can do this at the bus stop , on the train, in the doctors waiting room …) White lighting can be applied helpfully to many situations – spaces that need clearing, objects that contain unwanted energy or spirits, for the cleansing of your tarot cards, wands, instruments, crystals and other magical objects.

One of the most powerful ways you can use white light, is to cleanse a person’s energy. It leaves them feeling clearer, noticeably less depressed and worried, and gives them a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Many of my clients have talked about feeling appreciably better for up to 2 weeks following a session, and I’ve found over time that I have been teaching them all to do this for themselves as it’s so beneficial. They report having great success with it, and it made me want to share it with you all.

So here goes:

Sit or lie down comfortably. Tell yourself, it’s okay to relax and  to let the worries of the day slip away from you. Breathe deeply and see your stress and worries floating away from you in clouds or bubbles … just watch them go…  blown away gently by the breeze, and feel happy that this difficult energy is leaving you.

Once you feel calm and your breathing is steady focus on seeing an image of yourself (or whatever item or person you are intending to cleanse). See your whole body – either standing up or sitting down, perhaps cross legged , or whichever way is easiest for you to visualise.

Look closely at yourself and see around you an ”aura” or a dome of energy – similar to the shape of a candle-flame or an egg. The energy has colours in it – pinks, blues, murky colours, green, perhaps silver, or red… or white. Focus on the energy and step closer to it. Look at the colours and appreciate them. Take notice of how the different energies in this aura make you feel.

When you’re ready, step back, and allow yourself to refocus on the whole image again. Seeing yourself with your aura, the dome of coloured energy, encircling you. The colours in the energy are all the emotions and feelings and thoughts and experiences you’ve had that have affected you and remained with you. You have not been able to release this energy and for that reason you keep on experiencing it and being impacted and effected by it. Some of this energy is very dark and negative and you would feel much better if it was released – so that is what we are going to do.

We are going to clean your aura, expelling the current energy trapped around you and we are going to continue until all that is left is clear, or white, positive energy. This will boost your energy levels and positivity immediately. When done properly, you feel incredibly wonderful ; your mood is greatly elevated and so is your sense of vitality.

Now that you’ve some familiarity with your aura as it is today, we are going to start working on it. Our tool is a beam of bright white light. See in your minds’ eye a very bright beam of light – like a torch or a candle or whatever is easiest for you to picture – but it must be a blue-white light no yellows at all in the beam.  Direct this beam towards your aura.

Notice how the light lifts and scrubs away the darkened patches of energy around you. Step back occasionally in your minds’ eye and see the progress you’ve made. You are using the light effectively and it is cleansing and refreshing and healing all that you direct it at.

Some of the darkest areas may need to be gone over several times before being fully cleared. If you get tired, you may take a moment or two out – but do not lose sight of the image of yourself.  You are going to proceed to cleanse the entire dome of energy around you. Scrubbing out all the difficulty and pain and hurt you’ve experienced.  As you progress notice that you feel lighter, less burdened, less troubled, less sad. Do not stop until the energy around you is a pure white.

This is actually an exhausting thing to do, particularly when cleansing someone for the first time, and also when you’re not experienced in it , but it does become easier with time and practice. At first, it will require you to have a lot of mental strength and determination, but the way you feel afterwards makes it worthwhile. The benefit of it is amazing; you will literally feel uplifted, revitalised  and have a sense of being ‘lighter’.

This is a practice that I would recommend doing at least once a week and at any time when you’re experiencing hardship, trauma or depression.

Amber |

The 5th Law of Intention and Desire

The 5th Law of Intention and Desire

This Law is so simple yet so complex… that I thought it might be best to start with a summary of what its really all about:

what you think you become

Ok people here we go, this one is chewy.. if anyone else can summarise it better, please let me know and I’ll more than likely put your post up instead of mine!!

The Law of Intention and Desire

  • This law is based on the understanding that energy and information are the building blocks for all that exists on our planet. Whether you’re a flower, a rainbow a tree or a human body, when broken down all your essential components are energy and information (atoms). The whole universe also consists of these moving particles.
  • Our nervous system are capable of becoming aware of the energy and informational content that is our physical bodies. Thus we have consciousness. So it follows that all energy and information is potentially consciousness, and as a result; also potential.
  • Deepak’s been showing us in the other laws  that consciousness is potentiality. Thought, attention, and intention are the seeds of creation. What we conceive we create.
  • Therefore we understand that the quantum field is influenced by intention and desire.
  • We experience this field subjectively as our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, memories, instincts, drives, and beliefs. This same field is experienced objectively as the physical body — and through the physical body, we experience this field as the world.
    You can consciously change the energy and informational content of your own quantum mechanical body, and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body — your environment, your world — and cause things to manifest in it.

ahaaaa its worth getting your head around though…

  • This conscious change is brought about by the two qualities inherent in consciousness: attention and intention. Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear.
  • The past, present, and future are all properties of consciousness. The past is recollection, memory; the future is anticipation; the present is awareness. Therefore time is the movement of thought. Both past and future are born in the imagination; only the present, which is awareness, is real and eternal. It is. It is the potentiality for space-time, matter, and energy. It is an eternal field of possibilities experiencing itself as abstract forces, whether they be light, heat, electricity, magnetism, or gravity. These forces are neither in the past nor in the future. They just are.

Applying the Law of Intention and Desire

  • I will make a list of my desires
  • I will visualise myself creating , doing, achieving
  • I will live in the ‘now’

Amber |

White Spirit Quartz

White Spirit Quartz

white spirit quartz, psychic protection

Uses:White Spirit Quartz

  • Clears ‘psychic pollution’
  • Opens bridges between other worlds, particularly higher vibrations
  • Assists with connection to spirit, clairvoyance
  • Opens ‘doors of the mind’ and higher consciousness

Spirit Quartz

White spirit quartz activates all energy centers and supports the body in its healing process. It is also helpful for the revitalisation and rebalancing of energy levels. Remember crystals change energy as it passes thru the physical structure – this is where the ‘magic’ comes from.

It clears and cleanses blockages in the system, and attunes the aura for both healing and evolution. It is a helpful tool of practitioners for extending the effects of healing work, and is beneficial for use in stone layouts. White crystals represent natural cycles, birth, and regeneration.

Amber |

Care for your Crystals

Care for your Crystals

Crystals channel, transform and reflect energies as light, this ability to change energy is what makes them so valuable to people.

Whether you use your crystals for meditation, healing, or simply because you like the look of them, from time to time you should cleanse them and charge them.

Easiest ways I’ve found to cleanse crystals:

  • Earth them: bury them in the garden (or at a pinch your pot plant) and leave them there for 24 hours.
  • Bathe them: 24 hours in salt water

Charge or Recharge your crystals:

  • Sun: Leave them out in the sunlight for a couple of hours
  • Moon: On full moon leave them out for the night

This is the absolute basic in crystal care, there’s a lot more detail out there, but this will keep them ‘happy’.caring for crystals, recharging them, rose quartz,spirit quartz, citrine

Amber |

Top 20 reasons for doing yoga

Top 20 reasons for doing yoga

Top 20 Reasons for doing Yoga

  1. Increases overall quality of life
  2. Gives you more energyyoga
  3. Improves your athletic ability
  4. Improves your mental clarity
  5. Boosts your immune system
  6. Improves short term memory
  7. Increases your ability to concentrate
  8. Self-esteem rises
  9. Tones and strengthens your body
  10. Flexibility increases
  11. Improves balance
  12. Helps slow the aging process
  13. Helps you cope  better and be less effected by with stress
  14. Improves quality of sleep
  15. Speeds up the metabolism
  16. Increases productivity
  17. Improves posture
  18. Improves stamina
  19. Improves skin tone
  20. Reduces the risk of memory loss, back pain, knee pain, anxiety, obesity, stroke, type II diabetes, depression, heart disease, upper respiratory infection…. and so on.

Amber |

3 ways to find your Soulmate

3 ways to find your Soulmate

There is a pervasive misconception that we have only one soul mate.

In reality, we will have many soul mates in our lifetime and throughout our journey. Some soul mate connections only occur briefly, while others are in place for most or all of our lives. Some are in-depth and rich, while others are seemingly simple or meaningless.

They all matter and have value.

There is never an encounter we are not meant to have – be it short, long or in-depth. We made an agreement before we arrived on Earth to live out our journey together and to shape our own soul growth.

Types of Soul Mates sketchy-hearts-clip-art

1. Twin Flame – the other part or half of your soul

In most cases, your twin flame is not actually living and they do not experience human life at the same time as you. Rather, they are on the “other side” and are guiding and caring for you from there.

In some cases, this soul mate may indeed incarnate with you. When this happens, you will know this soul mate because the chemistry you share is highly charged. If you are apart from this person, there is very deep longing for them.

However, this person is not necessarily always a good match for you; the similarity is so immense that it makes for a chaotic relationship because you’re too alike. In addition, they generally reflect everything about yourself that you don’t like. To be compatible with this person, each must be very comfortable and at peace with their own higher self.

2. Companion – also known as “Kindred Spirit” or “Teacher Soul Mate”, who comes into your life for a particular reason and duration

They may be friends, teachers or mentors who have presented at particularly challenging times in your life and/or at a time when you may pursuing a very important goal. These soul mates are voices of encouragement and support. This soul mate could even be the person who appears briefly to help when your car breaks down, or that person who magically appears at just the right time to help you in moments of greatest need throughout your life.

3. Twin Souls – people with whom we share a close friendship and feel very comfortable and relaxed with

You have many prior lives with this person, and you will likely live many again with them. This soul mate connection is quite similar to the Companion Soul Mate, however the difference is the bond is stronger and longer. This relationship is often a close friend or family member. There is often a highly spiritual or even telepathic connection with this person, and you may at times feel you don’t even need to use words to communicate. You might also find that your life experiences parallel one another.

How Do You Find Your Soul Mate?

Here are a few exercises you can do to invite your soul mate into your life:

1. Meditation

When you meditate, set the intention of the desire to meet your soul mate – ensuring that you state this specific intention out loud as a means of releasing it to the Universe. Learn to be aware of any signs, symbols and messages that manifest. They may come in your dreams, through your meditation, or when you least expect it.

2. Count your blessings

You cannot manifest anything into reality from a place of lack, sadness or giving attention to what is missing from your life. So, make lists each day of all the things you love, every thing from the warm socks on your feet, to your health and well-being.

3. Imagine your soul mate is present in your life now

For example, see yourself laughing at the dinner table with this person, traveling together or taking a walk. Say out loud, “I am in a deep-seated, loving relationship with a uniquely wonderful person. I am so happy.”

Whatever the right words are to you, say them. Then, recognize how it makes you feel as you imagine this and say the words you have chosen. Does it bring tears of joy? Chills of excitement? Wonderful! This is where the power lies – it is in how you feel and the intention you release to the Universe.

The Universe does not know the difference between thought and reality, so this exercise of seeing your soul mate in your life as if it were reality is incredibly powerful.

Don’t give up on meeting your soul mate, they really are out there waiting to meet you, help you, or share your life with you. They often come when least expected, however by setting your intention to the Universe, having an open heart, and being thankful for what you have, your souls will collide when they’re meant to.

With thanks to Michelle Beltane  – what do you think? Do you believe we have more than one soulmate?

Amber |

Empowerment: The power of you…

Empowerment: The power of you…

I am totally on board with the whole, “you reap what you sew” or “if you do the same thing every day expect the same results,” mentality… So for me; its absolutely the case that my actions create my outcomes, and my thoughts create my reality.

If I do not make changes then my problems or worries will never resolve. This means I’m completely responsible for myself and my state. Sounds daunting on one hand, but on the other its incredibly empowering.

I am in a position to choose the way I live my life. Recognising what is positive and helpful and what is changeworthy is all I need to do to start improving my everyday existence. Asking yourself lots of questions and as a result doing things differently puts me (or you) back in the drivers’ seat, where we can stop being passive participants in life’s journey.

Seeing things this way is so empowering, it gives you the freedom to be anyone and achieve or experience anything you want to, everything is possible.

So, today, take back control, its time to start planning how you will change either the problem itself or if you are to do anything about that, then look at how you’re going to handle your reaction to this event/circumstance. Choosing your response means choosing your quality of life – it’s literally that simple. Reacting is disempowering, but its an ingrained habit for many of us, so don’t be too hard on yourself this habit takes some practicising and planning to change.

Amber |

I choose

I choose

Affirmative Meditation - I chooseIts so important to remember that we choose our paths, that what we spend or give our energy to becomes our reality…

I Choose

“to live by choice, not chance
to be motivated, not manipulated
to be useful, not used
to make changes, not excuses
to excel, not compete
I chose self esteem, not self pity
I choose to listen to my inner voice
not to the random opinion of others…”

It’s is a great one to print out and keep with you, on your desk, or somewhere you’ll see it daily… xx


Amber |